Why Choose Organic
Cosmetics & Skincare?

Interest in organic cosmetics and skincare is thankfully increasing. But maybe you are still wavering and asking why you should choose organic products when they tend to come at a premium price. Perhaps you are still concerned about whether it is just all marketing hype simply aimed at wringing a few more $$$ or £££ out of your purse or pocket (NOT so much 'because you're worth it' but because the big cosmetics manufacturers think 'you can afford it!')

But here (below) are some short videos featuring two of the founders of the first company to produce an extensive range of organic skin care and cosmetic and wellness products.

Alf Orpen, an influential Australian Organic farmer of many years experience and firm belief in sustainable farming practices, encouraged Narelle Chenery a small scale 'natural skincare products' producer who was running little more than a 'kitchen table business' to develop the world's first TRULY organic products.

Although this proved testing, they managed to produce a wonderful range of truly organic, 100% natural products with NONE of the synthetic chemicals or 'pseudo-natural' baloney that most other products feature. They achieved Certified Organic status for their skin care range, and they also created a superb range of cosmetics based on natural minerals and organic ingredients.

But rather than blather on, I will let the people behind these unique products, themselves, explain more about their philosophy, the products and the toxicity of almost all skincare and cosmetics on the market today:

Narelle Chenery speaks about the world's first genuine extensive range of CERTIFIED organic skincare and organic cosmetics:

Beware of false claims of many 'Natural' or 'Organic' products:

Alf Orpen talks about WHY you should choose organic:

Informational and promotional video about the range of products certified organic skin care and organic cosmetics and associated business opportunity:

To tour the site that provides a wealth of further information about why 'going organic' is important, and to see product details, pick up an downloadable catalog, and check out prices - CLICK HERE:

(this secure site may take a few moments to load due to the 'flash' content, so please give it a moment.)

Alternatively, or additionally, you may like to obtain more information about these unique products:

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