The Book that answer the questions about MRSA via real-life stories. Questions such as:
"...1. What is MRSA? How do I know If I'm infected?
I wanted to know why the doctor was so concerned when she looked at my lab reports. What was it that looked so terrible? How worried should I be? Was the doctor over-reacting?
2. What are the symptoms of MRSA?
How would I know if I have MRSA symptoms? What are the symptoms of a staphyloccoccus aureus infection?
3. What does MRSA look like?
I was initially diagnosed by my doctor as just having a bad spider bite, but can I really be sure? What does a staph infection look like? Pictures of MRSA
4. What tests will the doctor carry out to see if I have MRSA? How is MRSA diganosed?
Will they be able to tell me on the spot if there is a problem? Or will I have to wait for days, worrying about whats going on?
5. How curable is MRSA? Do people die from MRSA infections?
If they do tell me its MRSA, what exactly does that mean? Does this mean I will have it forever? Does this mean my life as I know it is over? Could I die from this?
6. If I am MRSA positive, how can I prevent my partner or family from being
infected? How do I prevent spreading MRSA?
From what Ive read, I've been told that MRSA is highly contagious and that I could spread it easily. What do I need to do to ensure I dont give it to my partner, or my family?
7. How quickly does the infection progress or spread?
Should I have gone to the doctor sooner? Id noticed what I thought was a spider bite on my arm but didn't do anything about it for days. Was this delay critical?
8. How is MRSA normally treated?
Would I have to go through heavy dosages of antibiotic treatment? If so, for how long? What are the odds of curing the infection using these treatments?
9. What are the common side effects of the treatments? I was told that MRSA is
resistant to antibiotics, is this true?
Would ongoing usage of antibiotics leave me feeling worse? What else could I expect?
10. Are there any foods I should avoid if I have been diagnosed with MRSA?
Is there a diet plan I should follow that will help me get better? Should I be avoiding any foods that could make my infection worse? What foods can help boost my immune system?
11. Can MRSA come back once it's been treated?
I've been told that once you have this infection, you have it forever, is this true? How do I get rid of this infection for good?
12. What alternative treatments are available?
Id heard of people going on special pro-biotic diets, and other natural remedies that have helped cure this infection. Id seen lots of alternative remedies on the internet. Which of these are proven and documented, and which ones are just a load of hogwash? How can I be certain they actually work?
13. I dont want to be taking antibiotics for months on end, are there any
natural remedies?
I feel like these antibiotics are making me worse, where can I find informaiton about natural remedies? What are other people trying, and have they been successful?
14. What medicines are typically prescribed to fight MRSA?
What is Vancomycin? Is it harmful? Where can I get more information about these prescribed drugs?
15. How do I get in touch with others who are going through the same thing?
What support groups are available for MRSA sufferers or friends and family?
I felt alone at at times and knew it would help to talk to others, especially about their feelings and how they were coping. I also needed support in being able to tell my family, in particular my children..."
MRSA Staph Infection - 7-Survivors Tell Their Stories - here:
Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus - Answers
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