How To Improve Your Vision Fast! Amazingly Simple Natural Vision Improvement Program Helps Thousands.
Food Containing Lutein Good For Eye Health
Below is a list of food that range from excellent to fair sources of Lutein - one important element in maintaining eye health: Lutein is a yellow to orange pigment, one of the carotenoids known as a xanthophylls. It is derived from foods and act as an anti-oxidant in the body. It is similar to a sister-substance that is alos good for eye health called: Zeaxanthin. Lutein is a natural part of a human diet that includes a good range of fruits and vegetable, as it is an element of the pigment of those with yellow, orange, red and green colors. For individuals lacking sufficient lutein intake, lutein-fortified foods can be obtained. Also, in the case of elderly people with impaired digestion who may not absorb enough Lutein via food alone, a supplement-spray for use under the tongue is available. Support eye health naturally with fresh organic fruit: Lutein has been incorporated into dietary supplements since the mid 1990's. Ther is no actual recommended daily allowance fro Lutein, as there is for some nutrients, but as a guideline positive effects on eye health have been recorded at dietary intake levels of 6-10 mg/day. The only known side effect of consuming substantial excess lutein is bronzing of the skin (carotenodermia) -- this is similar to what happens when a large quantity of carrots is eaten on a regular basis. Lutein Plue Eye Exercise to Regain Better VisionLutein, and a variety of other nutrients and micro-nutrients will help sustain eye health. But for many people their acuity of vision does begin to suffer after about 40 years of age. However, it has now been proven that, in combination with the correct dietary and nutritional elements a unique program of eye execise can bhelp to rebuild vision and even overcome the need to wear glasses. The Rebuild Your Vision Program is a natural vision improvement system that is helping thousands to improve and restore their vision without glasses, contacts, or surgery.
The program compiles more than 75 years of scientific research dedicated to improving and strengthening the eyes' focusing abilities. It guides you step-by-step, minute-by-minute through a daily series of optical eye exercises and drills that are designed to stimulate and strengthen the eye, redirecting your point of focus and allowing you to regain clear vision, naturally. Specifically developed for nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism.
A more detailed description of the program can be found at Rebuild Your Vision. Food Item per 100 grams | Lutein (a.k.a. Zeaxanthin) in Micrograms (μg) | Kale | 21,900 | Collard Greens | 16,300 | Spinach, cooked & drained | 12,600 | Cress Leaf, raw | 12,500 | Swiss Chard, raw | 11,000 | Chicory Leaf, raw | 10,300 | Parsley | 10,200 | Spinach, raw | 10,200 | Mustard Greens | 9,900 | Beet Greens | 7,700 | Okra | 6,800 | Pepper, Red | 6,800 | Dill | 6,700 | Romaine Lettuce | 5,700 | Endive | 4,000 | Celery | 3,600 | Scallions | 2,100 | Leeks | 1,900 | Broccoli, cooked | 1,800 | Leaf Lettuce | 1,800 | Green Peas | 1,700 | Pumpkin | 1,500 | Iceburg Lettuce | 1,400 | Brussel Sprouts | 1,300 | Summer Squash | 1,200 | Corn | 790 | Pepper, Yellow | 770 | Green Beans | 740 | Pepper, Green | 700 | Asparagus, raw | 640 | Cucumber Pickle | 510 | Green Olives | 510 | Avocado, raw | 320 | Carrots, cooked or raw | 260 | Plum, raw | 240 | Tomato Paste, canned | 190 | Peach, dried | 188 | Kiwi Fruit, raw | 180 | Prune, dried | 120 | Pear, raw | 110 | Tomatoes, raw | 100 | 
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