We currently provide a number of opportunities on the site to claim the free eBooks we have published to try and spread the words about certain health and wellbeing topics. I set this page up as a 'central repository' where you can choose which eBook catches your eye and simply fill in the claim form and you'll be automatically sent the download instructions to your email address.
IMPORTANT -- Just to be clear we NEVER pass on, sell or otherwise divulge your email address or any details. We respect your privacy and will only contact you on occasions when we have additional information that might be of value and interest to you.
(NOTE: In order to avoid accidentally sending unwanted information to people we do ask for a confirmation in order to receive the eBook download link -- just in case anyone submits someone else's email as bit of a joke! So please help us out with this and check your email soon to confirm a genuine claim. Thank you, Al Smith)
The directory lists the common synthetic chemical ingredients used in many skin care, hair care, body care and cosmetics - which are KNOWN to be either carcinogenic (cause cancer), mutagenic (can damage to DNA), hormone disruptors, and/or have other toxic effects on the system. Supporting articles also included. Everyone needs this eBook to make informed choices about the products they buy and to make safer alternative choices. Claim it now via the form below:
Discover why you should not believe everything you hear about cholesterol and why the popular and ever more widely prescribed anti-cholesterol drugs may not be all they are supposed to be. Find out why reducing cholesterol might NOT be the the best thing for your health:
******* A mini-eBook inspired by a question posted online, and some "unmitigated clap-trap" about breakfast foods recently reported as 'news' by major media channels. This is our effort to set the record straight. Find out now jut what is the "Best Breakfast in the World" for healthfulness and weight loss! Top-of-the-morning to you!:
*******EBook (3)
The Best Breakfast in The World:
In financially straightened times of economic crisis we all need more of 'the green stuff'. But this FREE eBook is about a far more important type of 'green stuff' that could prove the best investment you'll ever make in your health & wellbeing. In fact science is increasingly proving that there is no better Health Insurance than to include this 'green stuff' in your daily dietary 'portfolio'!! Grab a copy for FREE, now and learn just why you (and your family) NEED to 'Make More of the Green Stuff':
GOOD NEWS: We have improved our system. When you complete and send the form below we'll send a link to the page where you can download one or all of our eBooks listed above entirely FREE! :)
If you feel inclined to make a small donation for access to these eBooks we are ever grateful as the website upkeep fees only ever increase! Thank you in advance (the payment will pass through to our parent spirit|shines account):
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