Some Great Alternative Lifestyle
Business Opportunities

An increasing number of people are on the look out for appealing alternative lifestyle business opportunities. As people become jaded with the rigours of the '9 to 5' culture – which, with commuting, often extends itself to more like 7 'til 7...or more – it is perhaps not surprising that folks dream of achieving a change of life. A lifestyle that will allow them to earn a decent living but also mean that they can enjoy a finer quality of life. For some this may involve re-locating from the hustle and bustle of the Big City to the calmer climes of a tranquil rural retreat.

The problem is that it usually seems that it is impossible to have everything at the same time. To find the sort of alternative lifestyle business opportunities that offers real potential to ensure that you do not have to forego those 'little luxuries'. Finding any business these days that provides a real prospect of not only paying the bills and more, but also promises a secure future and a comfortable retirement can seem like looking for the proverbial 'needle in a haystack'.

Where did all the 'Leisure Time' go?

Here at – as we develop this site into the sort of wide ranging resource that we want it to be – we do not intend to overlook one of the most important aspect of modern life that contributes to so many of the typical 'ills' of today's society. Having experienced, and suffered, some of the worst impacts of work-related stress, I like to think that I can speak with some authority about this matter. It is generally acknowledged that far from the once widely predicted prospect of increasing 'leisure time' as 1900's drew to their close (I remember the 'topic' being discussed during 'general studies' classes back in the early 70's!!) – we are actually experiencing a era were the hours we work are longer than ever, and the stresses we suffer are more intense.

Stress is known to be a killer – given its relationship as a causative factor in so many major, and even potentially fatal illnesses – from depression, through heart attacks and strokes, on to the Big C - cancer itself - to name just a few. Employers have had to take more account of how stress can contribute to absenteeism. Stress can also lead to people look for 'escape mechanisms' like the over-use of alcohol and recreational drugs – things that they so often claim they are in control of to start with, but which can in the end come to dominate and even ruin their lives.

Ethical! Eco-friendly! Wealth creating!
Is it simultaneously possible?

So, it is little wonder that the concept of finding an alternative lifestyle business opportunities has begun to seem so attractive to increasing numbers of the disillusioned and the world weary. This is not to mention the swelling ranks of those who also recognise the need to take real action to address some of the environmental issues that almost every authority now acknowledges have to be faced up to. With increasing evidence and grim predictions of the disastrous consequences of 'global warming' it is becoming a necessity for all of us to adopt alternative lifestyles that are less damaging to the fragile eco-system, and that strike a more harmonious balance with nature.

Since the 1960's, there have always been those few who dropped-out of 'normal society' to pursue a bohemian existence as flowery-loon-panted Hippies! At the beginning of the new millennium, the 'Dawning of the Age of Aquarius' (as we are told it is), a new type of 'alternative-lifer' has emerged. It has to be acknowledged that, without finding some way to 'make a crust', it has become excruciatingly difficult to keep your head above water in a world where the cost-of-living is rising even faster than the sea-level! Hence, finding alternative lifestyle business opportunities that fit appositely with a desire to live more ethically, more harmoniously with nature, in a more eco-friendly way – is attracting more and more takers...if only such 'alternative business opportunities' with true potential were so easy to identify!

Ethical! Eco-friendly! Wealth creating!
Could one of these be YOUR answer?

So this section of is dedicated to highlighting promising alternative lifestyle business opportunities as we become aware of them. W expect to add to this list as time passes – as and when we discover new and promising ideas. For now though, we take this space to summarize a few opportunities that we feel particularly drawn to - and that we personally KNOW, and vouch for, the value and potential of. The following alternative lifestyle business opportunities ideas offer both a great degree of flexibility and also genuine and exciting potential. In fact – in the medium to long-term each alternative lifestyle business opportunity we describe here has the real promise to provide an ongoing and increasing income that will more than see you into a happy, and wealthy retirement. PLUS if you adopt the full range of healthier, natural and organic lifestyle changes we advocate on this site ;-) – your happy, wealthy retirement is all the more likely to be a HEALTHIER one, too!:


Build an Income Earning Website

Alternative lifestyle business opportunity (1) -
Earning money from your passion – whilst earning an alternative (and hopefully ethical) living!

Maybe you have always wanted to earn money doing something you enjoy doing. People often fail to see that the sort of things that they consider to be 'pastimes' or hobbies could actually bring in an income. In these straightened times financially and ecconomically, more people are looking to the Internet for ideas of how to earn some extra income (and even replace a lost job!) and the only problem they may have is learning how to get a website built and up and running.

Now, don't be fooled by those who make this out to be quite easy in order to sell cheap hosting. Cheap and free website options you can build will have little impact amongst the other 120 million or so websites on the 'Net (I speak from ultimately costly and painful experience!!). But you can short-cut the learning curve, and the wasted expense by using a tried and tested 'all-in-one' package that guides and mentors, as well as provides all the necessary support to create a website that 'works' and draws visitors form around the world. The solution we know works is Site Build It!

In fact you are 'right now' looking at one such website - - which is built using this method. To read all about how this works and why it is a real solution to building a successful website that wil earn you an income just click on one of the links to see how others are already profiting from their 'passion'.

So you too can use the power of the Internet to create a unique on-line business based around something you love, with real potential to earn an income and maybe even a full time living from something you are passionate about!...


Make The Difference: Be The Change...

"You must be the change you want to see in the world": Mahatma Gandhi

In terms of true 'alternative lifestyle choices' it is difficult to reconcile the notion of 'running a business' (ie. doing something that integrates with the current flawed system that we may so want to see change -- and hence help to perpetuate it!) Yet it is also difficult to imagine how you will manage without 'being part' of what is going on in order to survive..

naturally one way may be to try to be come as self-sufficient as possible..

To find a place and a way to have all the main resources needed for a reasonably comfortable life without having to 'be part of the system' to anything but the most minimal way that you can.

In the 60's the 'Back to Nature' movement caused many to seek a self-sufficient lifestyle in harmony with Nature and to return to doing things in traditional way... with liberal lashings of 'free love' and 'the use of illicit substances' to help to make the way more 'enjoyable'...

Net result of the Hippie era of the 60'd was that after a few more years 'growing-up' most of the would-be alternative lifestyle seekers returned to the city and eventually (by and large) merged back into the world they had originally wanted to change!

But as Gandhi exhorted us -- we actually do need to 'be the change' we wish to see in the world.. we cannot sit on the sidelines waiting for change , bemoaning the current parlous state of the world, and asking "when are 'they' going to do something about it?"...

Are You One Of Those Who Have Been Awakening?...

The recognition of this reality has indeed bought some of those who may be said to be 'awakening' to seek ways to demonstrably begin to 'be the change'! It has led numerous people to see new 'pastures' in a very real sense and places where a new life, with better values and a more holistic and sustainable philosophy underpins the efforts they are making...

Some of these efforts have arisen in the form of what are termed 'intentional communities' -- and yet other communities have begun to develop with looser structures...some seem to be making progress, others come and go just as quickly... The achievement of what seems a common goals shared by many to create a better. fairer world is a much harder objective than it first appears to be to achieve when the differences between personality and culture are taken into account... Each individual no doubt has their own notion of what makes for an ideal environment and better world!

The author has also become involved with the process of trying to be the change and welcomes discussion with those who may also be seeking a new and better way... The project, based in central Portugal, that GoNandO's creator has become involved with is still in its infancy -- and there are so many possibilities it almost becomes the cause of paralysis of progression in and of itself...

Take a look at what the project proposes and if this may also seem to 'be congruent' with some of your own goals for seeking an alternative lifestyle that moves towards a changed and better society-- perhaps get in touch for a chat and even a visit?

Valley of Pleasures Eco-Project -- Seeking a Holistic solution through the adoption of Permaculture, working towards Self-Sufficiency, and trying to work in Harmony & Cooperatively with others both within and outwith the project...:  (site currently under reconstruction :D)

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